
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body that makes up more than 30% of our body’s protein and is present in vital functions of most systems.
Collagen is present in all connective tissues such as skin, bone, cartilage, tendons and blood vessels and plays a vital role in protecting and connecting organs throughout the body.
- Hair and Skin:
Collagen naturally exists in the skin and hair and forms its structural component. Over time and with age, the layers of the skin become thinner under internal factors (age, hormone …) and external factors (cigarette and radiation, etc.), resulting in a decrease in the number and quality of collagen fibers. Lack of collagen itself causes premature aging, wrinkles and dry skin. By hydrating different layers of skin collagen increases skin moisture and delays wrinkle formation and also by the absorption of amino acid helps hair follicle to produce keratin protein.
- Weight Control:
Since collagen peptides as a dietary protein play an important role in weight control, they can partly prevent obesity. Collagen supplements do not burn fat, but their consumption helps strengthen muscles and these strengthened muscles consume extra body fat. So, the process of metabolism is accelerated. Collagen also has a positive effect on fitness and body shape.
- Joints and Muscles:
Collagen is the major protein in the extracellular matrix in cartilage, ligament, and bone, which is critical for maintaining their structure and strength. With aging, bones lose density and strength and become weaker and more fragile, causing osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, especially in postmenopausal women.
Some people develop cartilage erosion and face stiffness, and inflammation of the joints.
Collagen protects the joints by protecting the cartilage production process and also by increasing calcium absorption, prevents osteoporosis and other damage to the joints and ligaments.
- Sports:
Prolonged exercise results in oxidation and loss of protein in the muscles, so the availability of sufficient amino acids ensures optimal muscle regeneration.
Collagen is a unique amino acid and protein source that helps rebuild muscle after exercise.
Collagen intake improves the body’s muscle conditions and enhances athletes’ performance by supporting better muscle regeneration and contraction.